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Become a Sponsor

Welcome to the Invest in Ukraine Tech Platform, an innovative initiative powered by Philanthropy International and Deep Knowledge Analytics. Our mission is to bridge the information gap between global investors and Ukraine's blossoming AI and deep infrastructure sector.

We believe that Ukraine has immense untapped potential in the field of artificial intelligence and deep technology. That’s why we’re here - to highlight these promising opportunities and foster a thriving tech ecosystem in Ukraine.

Why Become a Sponsor?

Our platform provides unparalleled access to Venture Capital and Private Equity market data in Ukraine, giving you a comprehensive overview of the investment landscape. However, we don't just stop at providing information. We go one step further, offering you the unique opportunity to cooperate with local companies that are spearheading breakthroughs in DeepTech.


Gain brand exposure among a highly engaged, tech-focused audience.


Play a vital role in supporting the growth of AI and deep technology in Ukraine.


Connect with other sponsors, investors, and influential figures in the tech industry.

How to Become a Sponsor

If our mission resonates with you and you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please fill out the form below. We will review your submission and get back to you promptly.

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